…on Avatar nothing was moving, not even a mouse… Well, Lillith was collecting together all her rats so she could do a deal with this man called Rumplestiltskin in another plane.
Anyway, all the Avatars were sleeping in their guilds, with their stockings outside their lockers awaiting the Merridown induced Chairman to deliver their long-awaited gifts. As we look about the silence of the guilds, we hear a bump! Followed by a short muffled yelp. Zarabeth emerges from under Bulgingpecs’ bed looking exceedingly smug and limping. Looking at BulgingPecs face we can see him dreaming…
The Executioner hisses and says, “You’re not going to get away this time!”
BulgingPecs doesn’t seem overtly concerned.
BulgingPecs pulls out his super-dooper Chopper-pro for people who need the ultimate in depilation.
BulgingPecs screams, “Ahahhhh!”
BulgingPecs smiles and turns over, giggling in his sleep.
In the next-door cot, Optimist is dreaming too…
In the Entrance Hall to the Bee-Sting Inn.
Archer the annoying is sitting here with a smug grin on his face.
GlooM the dubious is here, leering at Optimist.
NastyOldGit is here, squelching in his clothes.
Optimist says, “Ahah! Die you vermin!”
Optimist points his new-looking wand at the group.
Optimist says, “Allakazam, fiddle-de-dee, all of you vanish from me!”
There is a flash and puff of smoke and Optimist is now alone in the Inn.
Optimist says, “Ahhh, that’s better!”
Optimist sniggers and starts to snore.
Next door to Optimist, lies BugBlatter who is frowning slightly.
Outside the entrance to the mint.
A beefeter rushes in.
BugBlatter rushes out.
a beefeter rushes out.
BugBlatter rushes in.
An invisible beefeter suddenly attacks BugBlatter from behind, whilst shouting, “I’ll get you lot for nicking my boots!”
BugBlatter Screams loudly!
GlooM the fairy arrives with his magic whopper…
The beefeter takes one look at GlooMs whopper and screams… Then runs off into the distance!
GlooM looks at his magic Whopper and sniffs it he thinks, “Shame to waste it…”, he fades out munching happily.
BugBlatter sighs with relief and turns over…
In the ladies dorms, Daphinia is upset.
No-one will help her out with her latest quest – Avoiding the Fiend.
Daphinia runs left then right and discovers that Z-Mud won’t Automap!
The Fiend sidles over and whispers, ‘Boo!’
Daphinia jumps sky-high and flees to limbo.
The Fiend cackles loudly and then giggles insanely.
He then runs off to hide – he’s heard that GlooM’s made it into The Citadel.
Daphinia frowns, dreams are supposed to go her way!
Zarabeth isn’t asleep however. She’s trying to insert Vick into a Happy Santa costume. Zarabeth is grinning wickedly and Vick is looking a tad strained. Cotton buds have exploded all over the Director’s suite and seems to be making inroads into the adult god chambers. Vick is sure he can hear whispering on the other side of the door.
“Did you have to push that hard?”, grimaces Vick the chairman.
“Well you do want to give the players a happy christmas didn’t you?”, pouts Zarabeth whilst she stuffs more cotton into the suit.
Vick groans, “Its not as if *I* actually believe in Santa. Its only what little dieties believe in so they can grow up not believing in faries. Bah! Humbug!”
“Look, I don’t need any more padding there, its quite big enough!”, Vick proudly states.
“Weeelll… yes, your arm does look over-stuffed from here doesn’t it. I’ll move some downwards.”, grins Zarabeth.
Vick coughs loudly.
Ten minutes pass and Zarabeth suddenly opens the door to the directors suite, only to find Merchant and Achelous effecting a ‘It wasn’t me looking though the keyholes, no siree’ type of look. Zarabeth grins and says, “Well, I hope it was educational, boys”
Merchant frowns and replies, “You never try anything like that with me!”
Vick waddles out, grins manically and says, “Right, all we need now are some little Imps!”
Merchant and Achelous look about wildly for an escape exit. Zarabeth chuckles, “I locked all the doors and Vick has changed your level to first so you can’t vanish!”
Achelous screams…
Merchant whinges…
Dawn breaks and all the players arrive at the inn to show to everyone what was in their stockings!
Bugblatter wanders in, amazed that he’s the first!
Optimist staggers in looking the worst from mushrooms!
GlooM saunters in whistling happily.
Daphinia tiptoes in carring a huge box of maps!
Zahadoum wanders in, he’s gone up another level again!
Kandar arrives, wondering how he can persuade Vick to send him to Leuven.
Lathspell Stormcrow arrives in a puff of smoke, you can just hear someone saying, “You’ve got 59 minutes with your friends!”.
Scoffalot is here waiting for the bps to be re-stocked.
Merchant and Achelous are not here… …Hmm…
BugBlatter holds up a brand new key! Bugblatter says, “Perfect! A new gateway key!”
Optimist says, “Could you please puff in quieter Lathy – I’ve an awful hangover, those green Mushrooms just don’t do anything for me at all!”.
The air bristles as Lathspell prepares to answer to the phrase “Lathy”, – Indeed!
Kandar waves his gift high in the air, its a huge bottle of booze!
Gloom is still whistling happily.
Scoffalot asks smugly, “Did anyone else got 100 bps?”
Optimist continues to whinge about having a headache, he whinges to Scoffalot, to Gloom, to Bugblatter and even to the absent Merchant and Achelous. Unsuprisingly no-one gives him any sympathy at all. He is just about to whinge to Lathspell when there is a huge explosion! Unfortunately, it was Optimist who exploded. Lathspell is seen grinning to himself. When the dust clears, there is a loud, “Ooooh!” from the assembled avatars as they notice Vick the coder for the first time!
Vick is coughing loudly into a now quite badly singed beard, Zarabeth is giving Lathspell one of her famous Burning gazes, the type that made lesser mortals spontaneously combust. Fortunately for Lathspell he is only feeling slightly cooked so far. Still no sign of Merchant and Achelous though, Hmmm.
Vick whistles loudly and clicks his fingers once. As if by magic, Merchant appears…
…to be a little shorter than usual and has a faint reddish tinge to his face, this however is totally drowned out by the little green Pixie kit he is wearing, right down to the little bootees and Lincoln green tights. He jingles unhappily at Vick. Achelous is hiding behind Zarabeth, who insists on calling him Abacus for some reason. Achelous is similarly decked out in green, but seems to have a nose thats redder than Merchants. He is also jingling quite unhappily.
Vick shouts, “Merry festival of somone I don’t even believe in. Bah Humbug!”
Zarabeth warns, “Victor!”
Vick blushes and then does a quite passable Santa act, right down to the “Ho-ho-ho!” bit, although it did sound a little forced. The pixies then gave out some more presents – a boiled sweet!
Vick grins and says, “Enjoy youself!”
Zarabeth groans and secretly sets happy days to 500%. The players cheer and run off! Vick looks around and says, “Amazing! I’ll remember this for next year – I won’t even have to buy the booze!”
Optimist fades back in, groaning theatrically, “That didn’t help at all Lathspell. Woe is me! Gnnngh!”
Zarabeth looks at Lathspell questioningly. Lathspell comments, “I could always remove his head y’know, It would stop his moaning and talking at the same time!”
Merchant and Aba.. err Achelous agree vehemently – Anything to shut him up!
Optimist screams and amazingly looks quite a lot better!
Disappointed noises float around the Adult Gods.
Zarabeth farshouts, “Ok you lot – remember the Xmas banquet in twenty Minutes. Its in the Tower – At the Tower Inn Inferno. Vick’s cooked some of his amazing Barbeque Sauce – Bring some Baby Hedgehogs with you.”
Loud groans are heard all over Lomah.